Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Beat Generation of America Essay - 2258 Words

The Beat Generation of America But then they danced down the street like dingledoolies, and I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles, exploding like spiders across the starts, and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’ (Kerouac 9) Burn, burn, burn, says Kerouac, and that is what the Beats were all about. From the all-night, smoke-filled jazz clubs of the Lower East Side of Manhattan, to the trendy bars of†¦show more content†¦Starting as a group of friends from Columbia University, they eventually came to be known as the Beats. Led by Jack Kerouac, this group included such artists as Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Bill Burroughs, Neal Cassady, and many others. They came from all walks of life. Kerouac was the only surviving son of a French-Canadian family who moved to America in the 1920s. His father ran a print shop, but they often found themselves moving from house to house in Lowell, Massachusetts where they lived. Where they moved depended on whether they were prospering at the time, or suffering due to Leo Kerouac’s (Jack’s father) gambling problems. Burroughs came from a well to do family in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, to whom he would often turn throughout his years to bail h im out of tough times financially, or legally. They came from all parts of America. Neal Cassady was himself an import coming to New York from Colorado. But they had one thing in common: their desire to live. They expressed this in various ways, some of which were positive, and some of which were negative. These men and women were far from being the angels that some in history make them out to be. Various aspects of their lives demonstrate this. First, the use of drugs among the members of this group was rampant. Benzedrine (speed), morphine, marijuana, and alcohol were the most widely used. Bill Burroughs, author of And the Hippos Were Boiled in their Tanks, wasShow MoreRelatedThe Hippie Movement and the Beat Movemnt1704 Words   |  7 PagesHow the Hippies got hip with the beat of the Beat Movement Jack Kerouac once said, â€Å"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars† (Kerouac 5). Kerouac was the symbol of the Beat Movement. He was the rebellious and adventurous man, who during his time wasRead MoreEssay on The Beat Generation887 Words   |  4 PagesThe beat movement is a literary period born out of World War II. This movement in American Literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Characterized by personal alienation and contempt for convention, the movement celebrated stylistic freedom and spontaneity. The Beat writers created a new vision of modern life and altered the nature of awareness in America. The Beat Generation was one of the first groups of writers to break down the barriersRead More The Beat Generation Essay850 Words   |  4 Pages The â€Å"beat movement† is a literary period born out of World War II. This movement in American Literature has become an important period in the history of literature and society in America. Characterized by personal alienation and contempt for convention, the movement celebrated stylistic freedom and spontaneity. The Beat writers created a new vision of modern life and altered the nature of awareness in America. The Beat Generation was one of the first groups of writers to break down the barriersRead MoreThe Beat Generation Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Road, is a brilliant example of the overall feel of the Beat Generation. Jack Kerouac is one of the most influential writers of the Beat Generation, rivaled only by the likes of Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burrough. But what exactly is the Beat Generation? What does it mean? Who of note was involved? When did it take place? The â€Å"Beat Generation† is a play on words, implying that the participants had been beaten down. The Beat Generation at its core is a collection of post-World War II authorsRead MoreCensorship Of The Beat Generation1062 Words   |  5 Pages it was a trying and solemn period for America so many turned to writing to reflect their situation as a form of comfort. However, there were restrictions on what was read, written, heard and spoke due to the influence of communism. During this period of suppression, there a group of young, intelligent and anti-conformist boys who were studying at Colombia University. Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, and Allen Ginsberg are the ‘founders’ of Beat Generation. The group beliefs focused on individualityRead MoreJack Kerouacs On The Road852 Words   |  4 PagesOn the Road by Jack Kerouac explores the core ideologies of the Beat Generation, dealing with non-conformity in a post World War II America. The Beats were, in essence, twentieth century transcendentalists- believing in the power of the individual to clamor against the chains of society. They defied social constructs in all aspects of life, including sexuality, drugs, politics, and ways of thought. 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The Beat Generation were the ones leading the way in questioning the old rules and regulations not because they wanted to but because America wanted it. The Beat Generation was a bohemian hipster like movement that got its drive and inspirationRead MoreThe Beat Generation1150 Words   |  5 Pageswoe unto those who think that the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency, immorality, amorality ... woe unto those who attack it on the grounds that they simply don’t understand history and the yearning of human souls ... woe in fact unto those who those who make evil movies about the Beat Generation where innocent housewives are raped by beatniks! ... woe unto those who spit on the Beat Generation, the wind’ll blow it back. -- Jack K erouac The Beat Generation or â€Å"Beatness†, if you will, hasRead MoreConfessionalist Characteristics Of Allen Ginsberg And The Beat Generation1540 Words   |  7 PagesBeat Generation Research Paper During the 1950s, many different literary movements came to the spotlight. Two such movements were Confessionalism and Beat poetry. There are many commonalities between these movements, and often, authors and works from the Beat movement incorporate various Confessionalist characteristics. Allen Ginsberg, one such author, combined both Confessionalism and Beat poetry in a variety of his works, including Howl and Kaddish. The Confessionalist aspects of Allen Ginsberg

Monday, December 23, 2019

Discrimination Against Gay Discrimination - 1779 Words

Discrimination against, and persecution of, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) people is as widespread as it is timeless. While conditions in society have improved, especially in recent years, it is not hard to find an example of some sort of harassment endured by an LGBTQ person. Different justifications exist in the minds of those who seek to harass and condemn: religious beliefs, personal taste, familial responsibilities, nationalistic unity, cultural expectations, the list goes on and on. Shielded with these, persecutors strike against the LGBTQ community, wielding religious and governmental institutions like weapons. The casualties of this so-called â€Å"culture war† are high: mental health is negatively affected, families are†¦show more content†¦Although this is a monumental achievement, it tends to give a false sense that the battle is won and discrimination has been toppled, however nothing could be further from the truth. Gay adoption is still a contentious issue. â€Å"In Florida, for example, state laws prohibit any homosexual from adopting a child. Florida prohibits second parent adoptions as well.† () Even today we still have LGBTQ members getting arrested over their private consensual practices. A web journal demonstrated while the sodomy laws have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, they still pose a very active threat for LGBTQ members in rural Southern communities. () Many big legal issues still exist that LGBTQ people have to navigate carefully around. Personally: Raising children Workplace discrimination still occurs towards members of the LGBTQ community which negatively impacts all aspects of their life. Being discriminated against at the workplace effects economic stability not to mention how it can bring many psychological issues. Congress has been working on passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act require an employer judge a homosexual based on how well their skill are performed at the job, qualifications, and the quality of their work. We can see how being discriminated against can cause job instability and high turnover, which promotes a greater unemployment and poverty rates. Gays also tend to experience aShow MoreRelatedGay Adoption : Discrimination Against Gay1626 Words   |  7 PagesRomero, Jessica Communication Studies 105 Tuesday, Thursday 8-9:20 a.m. Gay Adoption Introduction Attention getter: Discrimination against gay men and lesbian women has been socially recognized for hundreds of years and still continues today. Homosexuals have adopted children for many years, regardless of fear and prejudice. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Admission services Admission Essay Free Essays

Marquis de Vauvenargues, a French moralist and essayist said that  the greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one’s opportunities and make the most of one’s resources.   My work experience as a research analyst, a school manager and a full time classroom teacher widened the horizon of my career and led me to pursue a study that will enable me to establish a business that would create jobs to people in my community. My initial job as a research analyst and laboratory manager at Biosphere 2 Center in Arizona provided me with the opportunity to design the CO2 control system and implemented new chemical procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on Admission services Admission Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now    I was also given the task of supervising the research works and thesis of students in the undergraduate level. Due to my desire to explore more avenues in the field of science, I moved to Columbia University in New York and worked as a laboratory manager and researcher.   In Columbia University, the task of managing and maintaining the laboratory of Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, a world class state of the art research institution specializing in the Earth sciences, sharpened my managerial skills. As my task also included conducting data collection, analyses, interpretation and data reduction, my knowledge and skills in research and statistics was enhanced.   I developed good analytical and problem solving skills as well as communication and interpersonal skills through constant interaction with tenured faculty, accomplished scientist and highly motivated graduate students   Ã‚  I also designed and implemented new chemical procedures. Although I grew up in India, I was fortunate to be given a rare opportunity to work in a prestigious university and laboratory center in the United States.   Although the transition was challenging, the experience was rewarding.   The administrative and research opportunities that were given to me in my first two jobs enriched my knowledge and skills but I felt a nagging call to share my knowledge. Hence, I worked as an adjunct professor at Bergen Community College in New Jersey and eventually in Herman Ridder Intermediate School and Bronx Academy in New York.   My students became the recipients of the knowledge that I have gained from my previous exposure in a fully equipped and modernized laboratory.   As a full-time environmental science and mathematics teacher for grades 7-12 level, I was able to awaken the minds of students to appreciate mathematics. As I taught them a number of ways to approach and solve mathematical problems, I also found out the source of their weaknesses and their lack of enthusiasm in the subject area.   Some could not solve complex problems due to lack of knowledge in the basic principles of mathematics.   Others never had a teacher who used games as a way to make students enjoy the subject. Science and mathematics are closely related and I believe that the progress of the nation is partly dependent on the scientific discoveries and technological advancement that the future generation can offer.   Working with poorly motivated students with behavioral problems and those who were hostile and hopeless about their situation was very challenging.   The personal conviction to increase students’ achievement led me to organize an innovative volunteer program whereby students requiring assistance outside the classroom were tutored during lunch break. I also identified student’s individualism and developed curriculum to accommodate their diverse learning styles and maximize their potentials.   To facilitate learning, a curriculum was developed to ease instruction of individual, small groups and classes of 40 students.   Open communication and close monitoring of student’s progress facilitated learning and improved academic achievements.   Parental involvements in the academic and extra-curricular activities of students were strongly encouraged. Comprehensive mathematics and science learning resource were also created so students were able to take home and learn materials with their parents. I had my last employment in Herman Ridder Intermediate School in New York where I was designated by the school principal to serve as a teacher and business manager due to my analytical and interpersonal skills.   I directly collaborated with the principal in acquiring educational materials and developing after school learning programs. I have also worked on budgetary matters relating to the implementation of assigned programs and performed administrative functions in implementing budgetary programs, policies and procedures.   School and district budget were planned, reconciled and effectively managed.   My exposure in managing school finances led me to discover that I had talent for budgeting and managing small teams.   This has also confirmed my strong desire to focus my future career in business management. Having a solid educational background in geology, earth and environmental science, and vast exposure and experience in the field of management, education, research and statistics in the United States and India, I would like to further my studies in Business Administration by being part of the graduate program in Rice University. Backed by my knowledge and experience in data analyses, data interpretation, research background and strong quantitative skills, I want to have a stronger grasp of business management as I intend to be a Petroleum industry marketing and market research consultant after my graduate studies. I was impressed with the sense of cooperation and team spirit between the faculty members and students of Rice University when I visited the campus twice and spoke with   Dr. Seetharaman and several students.   I believe that with the small class size, personal interaction with fellow students and faculty, hands on training and excellent program of Rice University, I will gain more exposure and experience in dealing with problems and issues related to the management of business in relation to Petroleum industry. In the near future, I would like to serve my community by establishing a business so I can provide more jobs and contribute to the economy of the country.   This is the best time to pursue a Masters in Business Administration degree after gaining a vast experience in managing people with different background, attitudes, personality and academic achievement. After being a stay at home dad for two years, I could not wait to go back to school this fall to further my studies and eventually work and in a competitive and challenging field. How to cite Admission services Admission Essay, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Tourism Industry of Australia-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Reforms in Tourism Industry in Australia. Answer: Introduction Growth of tourism industry makes a significant contribution in Australias national income. Some of the mostly visited tourist spots include Sydney Opera House, Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Blue Mountains national Park, Melbourne and others. Nations having attractive tourist spots always focuses on the growth of tourism industry. Based on this single industry there are several other industries that also developed. The assignment makes an economic evaluation of the reform initiatives in Australian tourism industry. Essence of the Story Recently an article is published on Content realignment projects, launched by the Australian government to redesign the official website (Australia.com). The objective of the project is to help the tourist to navigate easily to the top tourist sites in Australia. Some new holiday destination is also added to the menu list. A partnership is made between Australia.com, Storyation, and Fairfax Media. The partnership helps to develop diversified official site and increases the visitors of the site. After the launch of the project, the proportion of visitors has already increased by approximately 46% (adnews.com.au, 2017). The site has redesigned with displaying maps, pictures and providing quality contents to all the queries. New videos, articles are published to make the tourism industry well decorated. The success of the project is seen from a huge rise in the number of tourist operators. Economic theories and Concept Forward and backward linkages The importance of any sector in the economy is determined in terms of its linkage effects with other sector of the economy. More diversified the relation more important is the sector. There are two types of linkage effect capturing the relation of any industry with other sectors in the economy- Forward linkage and backward linkage. An industry has a backward linkage with its suppliers (Chancharat Somsawas, 2015). The backward linkage is explained in terms of its relation with sectors that consumed the product of the concerned industry. Figure 1: Linkages of Tourism Industry (Source: Goodall Ashworth, 2013) The tourism industry has both forward and back linkages with several other industries. A closely related industry with tourism is hospitality industry. The growth of tourism industry depends on facilities like transport, hotel, restaurant business and other related industries. Apart from these directly related industries, some non-tourism sectors also benefitted when tourists make purchase of their goods and services. Tourism and foreign exchange reserve Foreign exchange reserves play an important role in building international confidence of a nation. Export is the most vital source of earning foreign exchange. However, relying only on exports may not be a viable option always (Lamonica Mattioli, 2015). Tourism industries provide additional security in this regard. Tourism accounts significant foreign exchange earnings in Australia. Employment and Tourism The economic importance of tourism industry is reflected in terms of generation employment opportunities. The economic development of a nation involves a lower unemployment rate. Tourism sector in Australia contributes in maintaining a low unemployment rate. Tourism sector generates nearly 4.6% of the direct employment in Australia (Rice, 2014). Economic Growth Percentage change in national income indicates the economic growth of the nation. Different measures are used to indicate national income. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP) or Net National Product (NNP) are some of these measures. Tourism contributes to both the GDP and GNP of the nation. In Australia 2.6% of GDP is contributed by tourism industry (Loulanski Loulanski, 2011). Recommendation Tourism industry is an important sector of Australian economy. Policy makers have taken several steps to improve the tourism sector of the nation. However, many areas need improvement. First, cost is an important determinant of demand. Policy makers in this industry take steps to make Australia an affordable tourism destination. Tourists packages should be designed to attract all types of visitors. Proper promotion of tourist spots is important for attracting more visitors. The nearby regions of the mostly visited tourist spots should have sufficient numbers of hotels, lodge and have other necessary arrangements. In times of promoting tourism business, environment sustainability should be considered. Government and other organization related to tourism industry should promote sustainable reform for tourism industry Conclusion Content realignment project is a small step toward the reform of tourism sector. It helps in redesigning the official website. Before making any travel plan tourists always look for proper information about the destination place. Therefore, a proper website containing all these information is of the highest priority. Additional focus is needed for further progress of the sector. Tourism sector already make notable consideration in growth, development and generation of employment. With reforms taken at a broader scope will help to flourish the sector more. References Case study: Tourism Australia redefines content - AdNews. [online] Available at: https://www.adnews.com.au/news/case-study-tourism-australia-redefines-content [Accessed 17 Aug. 2017]. Chancharat, S., Somsawas, J. (2015). Economics impacts of cross-border tourism.Journal of Environmental Management Tourism,6(1 (11)), 45. Goodall, B., Ashworth, G. (Eds.). (2013).Marketing in the Tourism Industry (RLE Tourism): The Promotion of Destination Regions. Routledge. Lamonica, G. R., Mattioli, E. (2015). Research Note: The Impact of the Tourism Industry on the World's Largest EconomiesAn InputOutput Analysis.Tourism Economics,21(2), 419-426. Loulanski, T., Loulanski, V. (2011). The sustainable integration of cultural heritage and tourism: a meta-study.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,19(7), 837-862. Rice, P. (2014). Universal management: a proposal to change the direction of accessibility management in the Australian tourism industry to create benefits for all Australians and visitors to Australia.Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal,2(2).