Monday, December 23, 2019

Discrimination Against Gay Discrimination - 1779 Words

Discrimination against, and persecution of, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) people is as widespread as it is timeless. While conditions in society have improved, especially in recent years, it is not hard to find an example of some sort of harassment endured by an LGBTQ person. Different justifications exist in the minds of those who seek to harass and condemn: religious beliefs, personal taste, familial responsibilities, nationalistic unity, cultural expectations, the list goes on and on. Shielded with these, persecutors strike against the LGBTQ community, wielding religious and governmental institutions like weapons. The casualties of this so-called â€Å"culture war† are high: mental health is negatively affected, families are†¦show more content†¦Although this is a monumental achievement, it tends to give a false sense that the battle is won and discrimination has been toppled, however nothing could be further from the truth. Gay adoption is still a contentious issue. â€Å"In Florida, for example, state laws prohibit any homosexual from adopting a child. Florida prohibits second parent adoptions as well.† () Even today we still have LGBTQ members getting arrested over their private consensual practices. A web journal demonstrated while the sodomy laws have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, they still pose a very active threat for LGBTQ members in rural Southern communities. () Many big legal issues still exist that LGBTQ people have to navigate carefully around. Personally: Raising children Workplace discrimination still occurs towards members of the LGBTQ community which negatively impacts all aspects of their life. Being discriminated against at the workplace effects economic stability not to mention how it can bring many psychological issues. Congress has been working on passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act require an employer judge a homosexual based on how well their skill are performed at the job, qualifications, and the quality of their work. We can see how being discriminated against can cause job instability and high turnover, which promotes a greater unemployment and poverty rates. Gays also tend to experience aShow MoreRelatedGay Adoption : Discrimination Against Gay1626 Words   |  7 PagesRomero, Jessica Communication Studies 105 Tuesday, Thursday 8-9:20 a.m. Gay Adoption Introduction Attention getter: Discrimination against gay men and lesbian women has been socially recognized for hundreds of years and still continues today. Homosexuals have adopted children for many years, regardless of fear and prejudice. 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